Haaniella grayii


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Haaniella grayii

(Westwood, 1859) PSG N°125

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Insecta

Order: Phasmatodea

Family: Heteropterygidae

Subfamily: Heteropteryginae

Genre: Haaniella

Haaniella grayii is a large, massive, spiny stick insect. This species is native to Sarawak in East Malaysia.

Adult females are massive and measure 13 to 15 cm. The coloring and patterns vary greatly from one individual to another. The color varies from light brown to dark brown. They have creamy white patterns that are more or less present on their body and legs. They also have small spines all over their body.

The male is smaller and measures about 10 cm. It is more or less dark brown and the colors are less variable from one individual to another. It has many more or less green spines, the arrangement of the spines on the mesonotum of the males is particularly specific to the species. The male Haaniella grayii also has a whitish spot on its wings.

The young ones measure about 2cm and are gray-brown then patterns quickly appear.

The eggs are brown, barrel-shaped, and about 9 mm long and 6 mm wide. Like most Haaniella species, they have short, fine hairs that give them the appearance of having a velvety surface.

Special features:

This species is not suitable for beginners.

Active at night

Difficulty of breeding: average. The biggest difficulty seems to be the incubation period ( from 9 months to more than a year). During this period, mold must be avoided and a fairly stable humidity level must be maintained.

Its development is quite long: from 7 months to more than a year.

However, Haaniella grayii live quite a long time, around 8 months for the male and sometimes more than a year for the female.

What you might need:

01. His breeding

For the eggs: 

Provide an incubation box. We recommend our micro-perforated boxes with lids . Then you place vermiculite on half the height of the box. You moisten it and place the eggs inside.

For young people: 

Either you raise them with the adults or you raise them separately. You will therefore have to use the same model of terrarium as the adults but of a smaller size.

The floor of the terrarium will be covered with damp paper towels to maintain good humidity and make it easier to maintain the terrarium.

We recommend that you create hiding places by adding bark to the terrarium.

For adults: 

Minimum (recommended) height of the terrarium: 2.5 times the size of the adult female.

The size of the terrarium will depend on the number of specimens. For example, for a couple, plan a terrarium of 30cm x 30cm x 45cm for example. It is important to have sufficient height for moulting.

In addition, the terrarium must be partially ventilated . For example, with only one side made of mesh and the others made of glass. This will help maintain sufficient humidity.

The floor of the terrarium will be covered with damp paper towels to maintain good humidity and make it easier to maintain the terrarium.

For the female Haaniella grayii to lay eggs, it is necessary to provide a nest box, i.e. a box with at least 10 cm of organic potting soil, vermiculite, peat, sand or a mixture with these elements. It is therefore necessary to have a shallow container so that the laying substrate is accessible. Natural moss can also be added, the eggs will sometimes be laid in it.

We recommend that you create hiding places by adding bark to the terrarium.

Mainly bramble. But it is also possible to use raspberry, pyracantha, rose, hawthorn, oak, beech, ivy and eucalyptus.

To do this, you need to arrange the branches in the terrarium by placing the stems in a jar of water (to avoid drowning, be sure to block the entrance to the jar with paper towels, for example).

Renew as soon as the food begins to fade.

Temperature: between 22°C and 25°C.


For the eggs:  The incubation medium and the atmosphere must remain humid. To do this, spray a little water whenever necessary. Be careful if it is too dry, either there will be no birth, or the young may not be able to come out of the egg completely or will be poorly formed.

For young: Humid atmosphere required, approximately 70/90% humidity. Be careful if it is too dry, the moults will be missed. Humidity can be provided by the food plant thanks to the foliage. Otherwise, you must spray a little water as soon as necessary.

For adults: Humid atmosphere required, about 60/80% humidity. They can tolerate slightly lower humidity. Humidity can be provided by the food plant through the foliage. Otherwise, spray a little water as needed. This species seems to appreciate spraying.

Lighting: Lighting is optional if the ambient light is sufficient. Otherwise, additional lighting will be required.

02. Its development

The eggs

Laying method: The female Haaniella grayii buries the eggs in the substrate or sometimes in moss. Sometimes she drops her eggs directly onto the ground.

Laying frequency: An adult female can lay around fifty eggs. Laying only begins 2 to 3 months after the last molt.

Egg collection: As soon as possible or each time the terrarium is cleaned and the bottom paper towel is changed. Simply collect the eggs from the substrate.

Incubation time: 9 to 18 months. Care must be taken to maintain good humidity and to ensure that there is no development of mold.

The young people

Development time : 7 months to over a year.

Means of defense: --


Reproduction: sexual. The first matings occur one to two weeks after the last molt.

Means of defense: This is a species that can sometimes pinch its fingers when it feels threatened (especially the male). Most of the time the female will emit a screeching sound by rubbing its wings.

Activity :  Nocturne.

Lifespan: 10 months to over a year for females! Males seem to live less long: around 8 to 10 months.

Haaniella grayii


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